for Developers for Developers

How insurance companies set health premiums

Five factors can affect Marketplace plan prices: location, age, family size, tobacco use, and plan category.

Coverage options for people with disabilities

If you have a disability, mental health condition, or personal assistance needs, you may qualify for savings on a private health plan or for coverage through Medicaid

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) & Medicare coverage

If you get Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), you probably have Medicare or are in a 24-month waiting period before it starts. You have health coverage options in either case.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Disability & Medicaid coverage

If you have Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Disability, you may get Medicaid coverage automatically or you may have to apply for coverage.

Waiting for a disability status decision and don’t have health insurance

If you’re waiting for a decision on your disability status, you have health coverage options. Find out more at

Reporting self-employment income to the Marketplace

Learn how to report your income if you're self-employed and find out if you qualify for lower health coverage costs.

How to cancel your Marketplace plan

You may need to end your Marketplace plan if you get other health coverage, or for another reason.

Find the name of Medicaid & CHIP programs in your state

Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide free or low-cost health coverage to millions of Americans. Medicaid and CHIP benefits vary somewhat between states.

These programs may also have different names in different states. Select your state below to see what the program is called in your state.

Eligibility Results and Next Steps

Should I have my information sent to the state Medicaid agency?

You may be asked if any of the people on your application want us to send their information to their state Medicaid agency, so they can check on their Medica...

Agreement statements

Before you sign and submit your application for coverage, you’ll be asked to check that you agree or disagree with a few agreement statements (also called "attestations"). Depending on your application information, you may not see all of these attestations. If you disagree with any of the attestations, you may be asked to provide additional information.

Why am I being asked to enter my preferred spoken and written language?

Entering this information will help the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) better understand and improve the health and health care for all Americans. Providing this information won’t impact your eligibility for health coverage, your health plan options, or your costs in any way.


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