How do I find my plan ID?

Each Marketplace application plan has a unique plan ID.

Help Paying for Coverage

What’s my total household income?

You may be asked if your household income will be less than a certain amount this year.

Getting Started

What if I currently have health coverage?

You’ll be asked if you (or anyone else on your application) currently have health coverage. Some people who already have health insurance can still get more ...

Family and Household

What if my household files more than one tax return?

You and your family may be eligible for tax credits, cost-sharing reductions, or coverage through Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Do I want help paying for medical bills for the last 3 months?

You may be asked if you want help paying for medical bills for the last 3 months. Medicaid may be able to help you pay for medical care from the last 3 months, even if you weren’t enrolled in Medicaid at the time you got medical care, if you would've been eligible at that time. Payment will depend on your family’s income and a few other factors at the time.

If someone on your application has medical bills and is eligible for Medicaid, the Medicaid agency will follow-up to ask more about their medical bills.


What is a dependent?

A dependent is a family member in the employee’s household who is eligible for coverage, like a spouse, child, or partner.

Creating an Account

Why do I need to verify my identity?

To protect your personal information, you have to take a few steps to verify your identity before you can create a Marketplace account and complete an applic...

Change in Circumstances

Change in Circumstances

Assistance with Completing the Application

Who’s helping me complete my application?

If you're getting help completing this application from a professional, you'll be asked to select the type.

American Indian and Alaska Native Questions

American Indian and Alaska Native Questions

In what state should I apply for Marketplace coverage?

You should apply for Marketplace coverage in the state that’s your primary place of living, so the state where you live and rent or own a home, work, or go to school. Don’t apply in a state you’re visiting for vacation or staying in only to get medical treatment.

When you fill out your application, your household usually includes the tax filer, spouse, and any tax dependents. If the members on your application live in different states, they may be able to apply on their own or with you. Read the questions below for more information.


Updating Profile