Paying your Marketplace premiums
When you enroll in a plan, you’ll pay your first premium directly to the insurance company – not to the Marketplace.
What if I need to resubmit my application because of changes to my eligibility for state programs?
If you applied for Marketplace coverage and were eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, you may get a notice explaining that you don’t qualify for these programs in ...
What if my state application was transferred to the Marketplace?
If you applied for a state health program and didn't qualify, you may get a notice explaining that your information was transferred to the Health Insurance M...
What if my state recently expanded Medicaid?
In states that recently expanded Medicaid, some people who applied for Marketplace coverage by March 31, 2014, might now qualify for less expensive coverage.
How do I terminate my Marketplace coverage?
To remove someone from a plan, you need to change your application to show they’re no longer applying for coverage.