
Getting your own health coverage when you turn 26


If you have health coverage under a parent’s plan and are turning 26, you need to take action. If you don’t, you may have no health coverage. Why bother with health insurance?

Learn more about coverage for people under 30.

Enroll in your own job-based plan

If your employer offers health insurance, you'll qualify to enroll outside of their yearly Open Enrollment if:  

  • You didn't enroll in the employer coverage when offered to you, and
  • You lost your parent's coverage because you turned 26.

You may have a limited time to enroll in job-based coverage. Contact your job's human resources representative before turning 26 to learn your next steps.

Risk of turning down your employer's offer of coverage

If your employer offers health insurance that's considered "affordable" and you decide not to enroll in it, you generally won’t qualify for the premium tax credit and other cost savings on a Marketplace plan. With limited exception, you’ll pay full price. Consider these things if you're offered employer coverage.

Enroll in your own Marketplace plan

Your options for when to enroll depend on whether your parent’s plan is through the Marketplace or their job.

Your parent has a Marketplace plan

You can stay on your parent’s plan until coverage ends December 31, even if you turn 26 mid-year.

Your actions vary based on whether your parent will claim you as a dependent on their taxes when your coverage on their plan ends:

  • If you’re not a tax dependent: Create your own Marketplace account and enroll in a Marketplace plan yourself for the next year during Open Enrollment.
  • If your parent claims you as a tax dependent for the year after you turn 26: Stay on your parent's application for Marketplace coverage — don't create a separate account. Your parent can enroll you in your own Marketplace plan during Open Enrollment.

Your parent has a job-based plan

Your coverage will usually end during or shortly after the month you turn 26. Check with the plan or your parent’s employer for the exact date you'll lose coverage.

When you age off your parent’s job-based plan, you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period to enroll in a Marketplace plan. Your Special Enrollment Period starts 60 days before you lose coverage and ends 60 days after.

  • If you enroll before you lose coverage: Your new Marketplace plan can start as soon as the first day of the month after you lose coverage.
  • If you enroll after you lose coverage: Your new Marketplace plan can start the first day of the month after you pick a plan.
  • Check if you can enroll now.

Qualify for savings on a Marketplace plan

Whether you qualify for savings to lower your Marketplace plan costs (like the premium tax credit or other cost savings) is based on your household's income. Who's considered part of your household depends on how you file your taxes. 

  • If you’re not a tax dependent: You may qualify for savings based on your own income if you don't have an offer of affordable job-based coverage.
  • If your parent will claim you as a tax dependent for the year after you turn 26: You may qualify for savings based on your parent's income and anyone else on their federal tax return.

Most people who apply through the Marketplace qualify for savings — for either a Marketplace plan or Medicaid coverage. Check if you could save.

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