
Health and dental plan datasets


You can download data for qualified health plans and stand-alone dental plans offered on This data is most helpful to researchers and plan issuers.

If you’re looking for health or dental coverage for yourself or your family, you can preview plans and prices before you apply for health coverage.

Individuals & families plan datasets

Health plan datasets: Individuals & families
Dental plan datasets: Individuals & families

Small Businesses (SHOP) plan datasets

Health plan datasets: Small businesses (SHOP)
Dental plan datasets: Small businesses (SHOP)

More resources for:

Get more detailed plan information with Health Insurance Marketplace® Public Use Files. These files provide extensive data on the plans available to consumers through the Federally-facilitated Marketplace.

Access additional dataset files. Get data on individual and small group medical and dental plans, as well as Marketplace-certified local help and community provider lists.

Small businesses/employers
Preview SHOP plans & prices for small businesses.
