
Using the tax tool when your Form 1095-A is missing some information


Most people get their Form 1095-A in their Marketplace account. A few may see this message:

This form is missing some information. Use a tax tool along with this 1095-A.

If you see this message in your account, this means you need to get more information before you can find out the amount of the premium tax credit (also called a subsidy or savings) you qualify for based on your final income.

  • You'll need correct and complete information about the second lowest cost Silver plan (SLCSP) that applied to you in 2024. It’s not necessarily the plan that you were enrolled in.
  • When you use the tax tool (available in late January), we’ll ask you some questions and provide your SLCSP premiums.
  • You’ll use your SLCSP premiums from the tool, along with other information on your Form 1095-A, to complete IRS Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit, and determine the amount of the premium tax credit you qualify for.

Start tax tool
