When you move to a new state, your coverage options will change. You may no longer be eligible for your current plan and new plans, prices, and savings may be available. It’s very important to report moves as soon as possible, so you don’t have a break in coverage and can enroll in a plan in your new state.
What should I do if I move to a new state?
You need to create a new application. How you’ll apply depends on whether your new state uses HealthCare.gov or its own Marketplace website. Here’s how to get started:
- Log in to your Marketplace account.
- Select the year you want coverage and your new state.
- If your state runs its own Marketplace, we’ll provide their website.
- If your state uses HealthCare.gov, start a new application.
- After you finish your application for your new state, you can compare plans and prices available to you.
- Pick a plan and pay your first month’s premium to complete your enrollment.
Then, end your current Marketplace plan. The steps you take depend on who is moving – whether its everyone on the plan, just some people, or the primary contact. Get more information on cancelling current Marketplace coverage.
Plans in your new state
After you finish your application for your new state, you’ll see plans and prices available to you.
- Since you’ve moved to a new state, you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period (tooltip). This means you can enroll in a plan in your new state any time of year, without a break in coverage. On your new application, be sure to indicate that you’ve moved. In most cases, you’ll have 60 days from your move date to enroll. Act as soon as possible so your new coverage starts on time.
- If you’re asked to prove your eligibility for a Special Enrollment Period due to your move, you’ll need to submit documents, like a copy of a lease or rental agreement, to the Marketplace as soon as possible. Your eligibility notice tells you what documents to submit and your deadline. Get more information on submitting documents to confirm your move.