If anyone in your household enrolls in a Marketplace plan, you’ll get tax Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace® Statement, by mid-February of the following year. It may be in your Marketplace account anytime from mid-January to February 1.
- It comes from the Marketplace, not the IRS.
- Use it to complete questions about your Marketplace health coverage and to reconcile the premium tax credit. Don't file your taxes until you have an accurate 1095-A.
- If you don't get it, or it's incorrect, contact the Marketplace Call Center.
How to find your 1095-A in your Marketplace account
1. Log into your Marketplace account.
2. Select the application for the year that matches your tax return. Each year's Marketplace application has its own "Tax Forms" page. To find Form 1095-A for a certain year, go to your Marketplace application for that year.
3. Select "Tax Forms" in the column on the left.
4. If your "Tax Forms” page has a list of “Your Forms 1095-A For Tax Filing," you can download the forms for your records. Select "Download PDF." (You may have more than one if your household enrolled in more than one Marketplace health plan or if you reported a life change during the year. If the Marketplace-assigned policy number in Box 2 is the same among the forms, use the most recent one.)
5. Save the file to your computer. Note: If the "Corrected" box on the top of your Form 1095-A is checked, we made a change to the information we originally provided. If the "Void" box is checked, it’s a voided form, and any earlier versions are also void. Don’t use information on a voided form when you file.
6. To print a copy of your form, select "File" in the top left and then "Print." Keep your Form 1095-A with other tax documents, like the W-2 you may get from your employer.
What's on Form 1095-A & why do I need it?
Your 1095-A contains information about Marketplace plans any member of your household had during the year, including:
- Monthly premiums paid
- Premium tax credits used
- A figure called your "second lowest cost Silver plan" (SLCSP), which you'll use to reconcile on your tax return
When you file, you'll use the information on Form 1095-A to complete Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit (PDF, 115 KB).
What if I already filed with the wrong form?
You may need to file an amended return if:
- You filed and then got a voided Form 1095-A
- You got a corrected Form 1095-A but used information from the previous Form 1095-A to file
Get information about amending returns from the IRS.
Looking for Form 1095-B or 1095-C?
These forms don't come from the Marketplace. Plans send Form 1095-B to people they cover. Check with your plan if you need Form 1095-B. Some employers send Form 1095-C with information about coverage they offered or provided to employees. If you need this form, check with your employer.