
How do I find my Eligibility Results?


You’ll first get your “Eligibility Results” after you submit your Marketplace application. But, you can also go back and view them at any time by following these steps:

  1. Log into your Marketplace account.
  2. Choose your current, complete application. You can check your results for a past coverage year by selecting that year’s application.
  3. Select “Eligibility & appeals” from the left-hand menu.
  4. Select the green “View Results” button.

How do I use my “Eligibility Results?”

Your “Eligibility Results” tell you the plans, programs, and savings you may qualify for.

Step 1

You’ll view your “Coverage Options at a Glance.” This section gives a snapshot of your eligibility, like if you’re eligible for Marketplace coverage or a premium tax credit. Although you can quickly see what plans, programs, and savings you may be eligible for, it’s important to continue to step 2 to view more detailed information and see your next steps.

Step 2

You’ll view your full “Eligibility Results” by selecting “View Eligibility Results” to download the PDF. Be sure to carefully read your “Eligibility Results,” which contains important information about your Marketplace coverage, your eligibility for coverage, costs, deadlines, and next steps.

  • If you’re eligible for Marketplace coverage, continue to step 3 to enroll in a plan.
  • If you (or people in your household) are eligible for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), see the “Full Medicaid determination” section below for more information on how to send your information to your state.
  • If it’s outside of Open Enrollment, we’ll will tell you if you’re eligible for a Special Enrollment Period within your “Eligibility Results” PDF. The PDF will also tell you when you can select a plan or change plans.

Step 3

You can continue to enrollment, if you’re eligible for Marketplace coverage, and choose a new plan (or keep the same plan, if you have one) and enroll.
