
Address questions


Where you live can affect what health coverage you’re eligible for. Health coverage programs require people in their programs to be residents in the state where they can get help paying for health coverage.

You may be asked the questions below. Read the information below each question for more information and/or how to answer.

What’s your home address?

We’ll use this address to indicate whether or not you’re a resident of the state where you’re seeking health coverage. You can't list a P.O. box as your home address.

If we’re asking this question about a child who splits time between 2 parents who don’t live together, choose the address where the child spends most of his or her nights.

What’s your mailing address?

We may use this address for health insurance plan rating, so pick a mailing address in the state you live in, if you can. Your mailing address can be a street address or a P.O. box.

Are you living outside of the state temporarily?

Sometimes people leave their homes for a period of time, like to go to school, for a short-term job, or for a short-term military deployment. Children may sometimes live in a different state for a period of time if they’re staying with a family member during a summer break or attending boarding school.

To decide whether the period of time is temporary, we’re asking whether there’s a plan for you to return to the state in the question. If you do plan to return, select “Yes.”

Why are we asking this? If you’re living out of the state temporarily, you can still be considered a resident of the state. Generally, people must live in the state to be residents in the state where they get help paying for health coverage.

Where will you live in the state?

To explain that you’re temporarily out of state, tell us where you’ll live in the state.
